Thursday, June 25, 2015

In the Early Years of a Homosexuals Life....

Image result for speaker of the house dennis hastert

By Xavier James

"In the early years of a homosexual’s life he’s being molested. In his latter years, he’s doing the molesting." -Xavier James

Former Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert spent decades raping young males and inducting them into the homosexual hall of shame. I say shame because they carried that shame and guilt their entire lives. As a wrestling coach he made the boys wear tight spandex outfits and rub against his erect penis while pretending to instruct them in the finer points of wrestling. Then came the sodomy. Wrestling has always been a homosexual frontline activity-since the GREEK FREAK ERA. In fact, the term GYMNASIUM came from these perverts. The homosexuals would meet in the gymnasium and literally wrestle each other to the floor to perform sex acts. In fact, to pick a partner the initiates would pat the male they wanted to have sex with on the ass and then proceed to the middle of the floor to wrestle and have sex-while everyone watched; sound familiar? That's right, the pat on the ass that you used to see in basketball after a shot came from this homosexual tradition.

The homosexuals on CAPITAL HILL knew Dennis Hastert was a HOMOSEXUAL rapist in the tradition of his ancestors, but did nothing because they were molesters too. Always remember, predators protect other predators. One of Hastert's victims that died of AIDS in the 1990's said Hastert turned him out and he lived a confused, homosexual life until his death. Black folks, don't fall for the okey-doke. Don't join the wrestling team and keep your eyes on all your child's instructors;
boy scouts, coaches, choir directors, etc. Remember:

"In the early years of a homosexual’s life he’s being molested. In his latter years, he’s doing the molesting." -Xavier James

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